Monday 27 January 2014

Australia Day

I had the greatest time yesterday, on Australia day. I started off the day by grouping up with Scott, Jonno, Tim and some other Aussie mates and making our way to Bondi beach by bus and the Sydney tube. Upon our arrival at Bondi however, we immediately regretted our choice due to the lack of sun and abundance in grey clouds. We were all really disappointed but decided that it wasn't worth our money to just turn around and go back, so we threw down our bags and had a swim. We only managed to swim for about an hour before 3 helicopters started circling the beach due to a shark that had been spotted in the water. Tired of being pushed around, we all decided to head over to Marcus' place and just take the day off, relaxing in his pool and listening to music. Me and Scott also went by the aboriginal festival in town that included a band playing some songs and a couple of shops in the park. Once at Marcus', we played some table tennis and relaxed on the grass while listening to music, followed by a long evening of watching movies and playing games. Overall Australia Day wasn't too bad, and i really did have a good time despite the fact that the weather wasn't ideal during our trip to Bondi. Below: A picture of the Aboriginal Festival in Sydney.

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