Monday 3 February 2014

Alright, so its Monday right now and today i have had an early start at 6 am followed by tennis training down at the Newington courts. It was rather nice to finally have a chance to play in the open air, in the shade mostly and with a cool breeze around you rather than the scorching heat. After a good 50 minutes of training, i got changed and continued my day as usual. Last weekend however, was a rather interesting experience. After our morning tennis training, Chris volunteered to take Tim and me on a field trip to the local Fish Market. Here we saw the most amazing sea creatures, ranging from giant Rock Lobsters all the way to humongous Tuna. Chris kindly treated us on some raw fish, fried fish and Calamari with the condition that i would try Calamari. I couldn't stand the temptation of delicious fish, I must say Calamari was a rather dull and tasteless experience, nevertheless Timothy insisted it was absolutely delicious. In the evening, Scott, Jonno, Tim and I decided to go to Luna Park. Luna Park is an attraction park in Sydney Harbour thats mainly known for its entrance, which is a clowns face. The entire attraction park is designed in an old vintage style. However, the rides were much too expensive and not anything we hadn't seen before. So we made our way across the Sydney Harbour Bridge while the sun was setting and i must say that i was amazed by the breathtaking sight of Sydney all around you, lit up and reflecting in the Harbour and the Sydney Opera House just floating in the foreground. It was truly an amazing sight. After we had crossed the bridge, we made our way to Chinatown, steadily and by foot. However, our long trip soon paid off as we arrived in Chinatown and admired the pre-Chinese New Year festivities. Fake Tattoos, Artists making portraits and Musicians playing out in the street. A while later, we were all tired of walking and hungry for dinner, so we fished out a cheap but delicious Chinese restaurant and had some Noodles, Prawns, Spring Rolls and Rice. Later that evening, as we walked home from the bus stop in Haberfield, we dropped in and bought some Gelato. What a great Weekend indeed.

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